Monday, June 16, 2008

Brooklyn's first steps

Here is the video of Brooklyn's first tentative steps. This was taken last weekend, so he is I am sure a lot more experienced now.
He has been walking around furniture since he was 7 months, and has also taken to standing on his own, so now the steps have been added to his repertoire. Oh, he also got his first two teeth the same week. What a week?

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Trip to Rotorua

We planned a trip to Rotorua to get some peace and quiet and to spend some time on our own for the weekend.  The aim was to see some of the countryside and maybe do some walking. Unfortunately on Friday night I came down with the Flu and didn't see much outside of the motel room.  Well I guess we did get some peace and quiet.  There will always be another time.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Queens Birthday Weekend

Auckland - Queens Birthday Weekend
The long weekend was Breakthrough Youth Conference.  It was a great time with over 800 young people at our Church.  Luke and Anna came up and brought with them a total of 20 from Taupo.  Great to see Brooklyn again and he is almost walking.  Our house was full for the weekend - but great fun.  We were grateful Monday afternoon when we could both sleep!