Saturday, December 22, 2007

Jolly Jumper

Just amazing to see Brooklyn's development. He his always happy and very determined in everything he does. He will be crawling soon.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Sunny Weekend in Tauranga

Sunny Weekend in Tauranga
What a great time we had in Tauranga this weekend. Firstly the marriage of Nick & Rosslyn. The weather was forecast to rain from midday, but the rain stayed away until evening. It was a wonderful day. The Bride and Groom looked great and will have a great and exciting life together.

Luke, Anna & Brooklyn came up to stay with us also. Nick and Luke grew up together, so it was great for them to catch up, and for Nick to meet Brooklyn.

It was five weeks since we had seen L, A & B and the changes were obvious in Brooklyn. He was so much longer, now in the throws of rolling himself over, and very chatting and smiley.  It was great to catch up with them all and spend the whole weekend with them.

Here are some photo from our weekend. Enjoy!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Another weekend in Taupo

We spent another weekend with Luke, Anna and Brooklyn. It was amazing to see how much he had changed in the few weeks since we last saw him He is now very responsive and "chats" and giggles when we play with him.
Taupo - Labour weekend
Brooklyn in Taupo 22/10/07

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Bryn's BMX

Bryn BMX in Taupo
Bryn made good use of the weekend away to take his bike and work on his tricks. He has come a long way and manages to worry his mother with his lack of fear. The local kids in Taupo were suitably impressed.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Bryn gets sponsored!

Bryn has talked about getting sponsored for his BMX skills for a long time. Finally his persistence has paid off. He is busy showing off his new bike, new clothes and new tricks!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The changes in our lives

Farewell Karine
Karine has now moved back to live in Christchurch. Her six weeks in Auckland made her realise that Christchurch is where she wants to be. Her involvement there in the church is the main reason for going back, (plus a certain someone). Although we will miss having her around we are happy with the call for her to return to the South Island.

With Luke and Anna and Brooklyn having recently visited Auckland as well we have been spoilt by have the family all together. The next time is likely to be Christmas and the new year when we are all going to the beach for a week.

It is weird going back to just three of us here in our big house now, but it is great to have Bryn with us. He is busy practising his BMXing as he has recently become sponsored. So it is more new jumps and moves, and more protective gear. web gallery

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Brooklyn's First visit to Auckland

Brooklyn 1/09/07
Luke and Anna came to visit with Brooklyn. It has been a great weekend with plenty of visitors wanting to see our wonderful Grandson.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Total Lunar Eclipse

Total Lunar Eclipse
We had a great view of the Lunar Eclipse. I don't think I have ever seen it quite like this, especially when the moon turned bright red. It was quite cloudy but there were enough clear spells. These photos were taken from our deck. There are some other good photos at wikipedia (but not as good as ours!) web gallery

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Brooklyn Update

Brooklyn Update
More Photos of Brooklyn at the age of three weeks!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

One week Old

Brooklyn - one week old
We went to Taupo again for the weekend and got to spend a little more time with Brooklyn. He is doing well and we enjoyed the chance for cuddles and attention. Luke and Anna are doing great and seem to be taking everything in their stride.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

The Baby has a name!

He won't be Baby Williams any longer, but Brooklyn Michael Williams.
Great Initials!

Monday, August 06, 2007

One Day Old

One day old
At one day old baby is doing great. Luke and Anna are naturals and are very relaxed as parents.

Baby is feeding well, sleeping well and we haven't heard him cry yet. Hopefully a sign of things to come!

An interesting day - especially when the waterpump on the car went. We were worried about being stuck in Rotorua another day but we were well looked after by the AA and a local repairer.

And still the baby has no name!

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Uncle and Auntie arrive

Uncle and Auntie Arrive
Bryn and Karine are very proud of their new nephew!

The big day arrives.

Baby 5/08/07 4:57 PM

The long awaited grandson arrived at 9:59 at Rotorua Hospital, weighing in at 8lb 1oz. No name yet.

Anna went into labour on Friday morning, they went into Taupo Hospital and in the afternoon they got sent up to Rotorua where there are better facilities. Judi and I left work early and started down there but we only got to South Auckland when Luke called to say it was going to be some time yet. So we turned around and went home.

Saturday we kept in touch all day and headed off about 4:30pm. We spent the night in a motel and Luke called again at 5am and we went in.

Anna had been having strong contractions all that time and really wasn't making any progress. They started the process of inducing her but in the end opted for a caesarian. I think it was quite a relief.

He is gorgeous with very dark hair, blue eyes and big feet! Luke is a very proud Dad. It was great to see Anna's change from distress to contentment.

The new grandparents, auntie and uncle are also proud.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Visit to Taupo

From Taupo 25/06/0...
Judi & I spent the weekend in Taupo with Luke and Anna. Very cold Southerly blowing but great to have some time down there. Luke and Anna doing great with only five weeks to go before their big event.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Easter Weekend in Taupo

We travelled to Taupo to spend some time with Luke and Anna. Little did we know that we would be sharing the weekend with Bryn and a big group of his mates. Fortunately they were staying at nev and Gayle's so we did manage some peace and quiet.

The weekend involved watching some "off-roading" with Luke's scooter, riding Segways on the waterfromnt and an trip on the lake in Nev's boat. Weather was great all weekend.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Arise Church

Karine leading worship in Christchurch.

Arise Church 1/04/07