Monday, August 17, 2009

Brooklyn's 2nd Birthday

Last weekend we went down to Taupo to be part of Brooklyn's 2nd Birthday party. Sadly the weather forecast was not good, rain all weekend, and it did. So with about 10 children, parents, friends from Auckland and Luke & Anna's youth coming it was decided to move the Party to Anna's parents' house. This worked out to be a very good plan as the council had also decided to turn the water off in Luke & Anna's road, not great when baking and preparing for the animal party.
Brooklyn's 2nd Birthday
Anna made an amazing Lion cake, bear cupcakes and lots of snacks and goodies.
The Kings' house looked amazing with all the balloons, animals, and table decorations, Anna as an interior designed certainly has a knack of making everything look beautiful.
Brooklyn was dressed as a tiger in his striped tee shirt, tiger ears, and tail. As his little friends arrived they all came dressed as animals. Some of us had our faces painted.
Bryn was the balloon modeller and did a wonderful job of making something special for all the children.
The children had great fun playing with all the toys, the mini trampoline, and each other.
A game of pass the parcel was played while the Lion King played in the background. Not sure that all the children understood the concept of the game, but they did all like winning a present. Somehow Birthday boy won two, I think it must have been rigged.
Afternoon tea was a great time with cocktail sausages, sausage rolls, animal biscuits (yes the very same that were around when we were younger), lollypops and all kinds of things that you only get to eat at parties.
When it can to singing Happy Birthday Brooky had a huge smile on his face, but hadn't quite worked out how to blow out the candles, so on the third attempt Daddy helped.
It was such a great afternoon, although there were four grandparents there who were rather tired after it all.
Karine & Rowan were unable to make it up to Taupo but had a little chat with Brooklyn during the weekend.
We are so proud of the job Luke & Anna are doing with Brooklyn. He is a delight, is chatting really well, and has a cute sense of humour already.

I hope you enjoy the photos.