Sunday, December 09, 2007

Sunny Weekend in Tauranga

Sunny Weekend in Tauranga
What a great time we had in Tauranga this weekend. Firstly the marriage of Nick & Rosslyn. The weather was forecast to rain from midday, but the rain stayed away until evening. It was a wonderful day. The Bride and Groom looked great and will have a great and exciting life together.

Luke, Anna & Brooklyn came up to stay with us also. Nick and Luke grew up together, so it was great for them to catch up, and for Nick to meet Brooklyn.

It was five weeks since we had seen L, A & B and the changes were obvious in Brooklyn. He was so much longer, now in the throws of rolling himself over, and very chatting and smiley.  It was great to catch up with them all and spend the whole weekend with them.

Here are some photo from our weekend. Enjoy!

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